Monday, September 20, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
One of the Important set of laws:
One of the Important set of laws:
Ok, you just began searching for correct dimensions with your sketch, find line go wrong don’t be worry draw another. After darkening the correct line, you transfer them to a fresh sheet of your practice book and worked on the correct drawing. More you scratch your paper more you make it shine. See, if you are not habituated with rubber, you will draw a perfect objector a line wherever you want. Rubber is a time killer. If you are in competition you discover that time is limited there so you need to draw things fast. And if you draw your object perfectly with out a rubber, then you can save lot of valuable time.
The key word,
to create good painting is Prospective. When I used to teach, I observed that my students failed to draw Prospective, because they’re unaware of eye level. It’s very simple concept, eye level refer to the height at which your eye observe an object. [Note: you may want to write this sentence and place it where you can see it often, so that it becomes part of you.]
Changing shapes and eye level:
To actually demonstrate what is meant by eye level that lies prone on the floor. Notice that you see the bottom, not the top, of the most objects.
Now sit up and notice the difference; move to a chair and again observe that as you raise your eye level, the top planes of objects come into view. If you climb a ladder to the ceiling, see everything below, you would see its
top view, sounds simple enough, doesn’t it? Well, it is!
Vanishing Point: Vanishing Point is an imaginary point on the eye level, or horizon. Where the parallel edges of an object form appear to converge and meet. Converging lines, eye level, and Vanishing Points all add up to perspective. It’s a word of Latin origin meaning ‘’to look through’’. In other words, you view an object as though it was transparent and you could see all its sides—front and back.
Are you asking yourself these kinds of questions as you view an object will help sharpen your powers of observation? Yes Guys, it will.Form this moment on; remember the three-dimension that are natural in everything.
Judging size relationship: Painting realistically means drawing accurately. Whatever proportions your object may have, check the relationship between one side and the other side. No matter what your object size is, the main thing is for you to be aware of the object’s planes as you raise it or lower it above or below your level of vision. In your object drawing be sure that the lines converging to vanishing points 1 and 2 are at the proper slant, even through the lines can’t extent all the way to their respective vanishing points on the eye level—simple because the paper isn’t big enough.
ME: First time felt very bore but it had given me a steady hand. If you want to have a steady hand like other good painter, keep practicing a hard...
Hi guys, notice that the verticals get shorter and its vanishing points get farther from the object. So if you follow the manner you will find a firm hand in painting or your creation.
Here is some illustration which is the simplest form and a good one to begin with. So what are you waiting for, go and get your paper and start scratching.
Friday, July 30, 2010
The most difficulty is to shade or create forms, and this is the place where people afraid to enter or if they enter by chance… make bad drawing and say ‘’painting is not my cup of tea’’. But I don’t think so… Hi guys! Do you know dancing? No, no you don’t need to dance on paper, you need to dothat you just dance with your pencil!!! This way you can get a quality Shading.
To create all the values between white and black, use ‘6B’ pencil for first two
boxes ; 4B for second two boxes; 2B, HB, 2H, 4H, 6H to create lighter shade. Try all the pencils and yo
u will find different grades appear with different values that cre
ate the depth you want.
The values were made by Cross-hatching and varying the pressure on the paper. You know, only a 2B pencil created the values.
This scale was drawn with a 4B pencil using only vertical strokes. You can see that as the tones become lighter, you need to put less pressure on the paper. Notice how the texture of the paper becomes apparent with the lighter tones. Use 6B, 8B, 10B like this way.
CREATING CUBE: I think, one of the most difficult problems of drawing is creating a three-dimensional form on a flat piece paper. The best demonstration of producing three-dimensions is with a drawing of a cube that has height, width, and depth. Imagine a single light is directed on the cube, you will be able to see the height, width, and depth. Use the way I told you to create the value. See, it is difficult to achieve a strong light effect with 2H or 2B pencil. Use higher grade to get this effect easily.
[See, vencent van gogh painting post. (Painting no: JH-539, JH-531, JH-529, JH-533) You will find simple object painted with different effect of shading, Use of light etc. I also refer to see (Painting no: JH-935, JH-936, JH-929) to know what depth he used in his painting.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
how you can creat values
In the beginning try to create all the values in the painting by using just one pencil. But using different grade pencils, for different values is another way to create outstanding creation.
The most difficulty is to shade or create forms, and this is the place where people afraid to enter or if they enter by chance… make bad drawing and say ‘’painting is not my cup of tea’’. But I don’t think so… Hi guys! Do you know dancing? No, no you don’t need to dance on paper, you need to do that you just dance with your pencil!!! This way you can get a quality Shading.
To create all the values between white and black, use ‘6B’ pencil for first two boxes ; 4B for second two boxes; 2B, HB, 2H, 4H, 6H to create lighter shade. Try all the pencils and you will find different grades appear with different values that create the depth you want.This chart was created by using the same pencil. The difference is the strokes which were drawn on a slant. See the fun…
The values were made by Cross-hatching and varying the pressure on the paper. You know, only a 2B pencil created the values.
This scale was drawn with a 4B pencil using only vertical strokes. You can see that as the tones become lighter, you need to put less pressure on the paper. Notice how the texture of the paper becomes apparent with the lighter tones. Use 6B, 8B, 10B like this way.